
Valentine’s Day

Today Harry and Sally discuss Valentine’s Day and what it symbolises. They discuss the importance of truly loving yourself before you can love another person. A powerful and relevant conversation about building up self-confidence, self-love, self-esteem, self-worth, self-belief in yourself so you are empowered to let go of the superficial outside stuff and build you up from the inside. Some of the statistics on women feeling awful about how they look is frightening. There is nothing more attractive than a confident woman! Read this blog or watch the video below and share your thoughts!

About Valentine’s Day

  • Established by the Romans
  • Adopted by Christianity around 270AD
  • Greetings cards have been around since at least 1400
  • Celebrated in English-speaking countries plus France and Mexico
  • Valentine’s Day cards are being displaced by email and social media messages
  • Chocolates, Roses and restaurant meals remain popular
  • It remains the busiest day of the year for florists!

Are you turned off by the over-commercialisation? [1]

  • Two-thirds of Australians don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day because it is too expensive
  • 25% think it is a rip-off which it is if you buy roses, a card or chocolates on for this day
  • Engagement with Valentine’s Day declines with age
  • A majority of Gen Y is likely to celebrate Valentine’s Day while most Baby Boomers will ignore the day

Non-commercial ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day

  • Breakfast in bed
  • Delicious home-cooked meal
  • Walk in the park or by a lake
  • Remember to say “I love you
  • Maybe even try holding hands

Many women could feel better about themselves [2]

  • 85% opt out of social, family and sporting activities when they don’t feel good about the way they look
  • 90% restrict eating to stay slimmer
  • 80% feel pressure to never make mistakes or show weakness

What is it about societies impact on women?

I (Harry) regularly record mums reading stories for their child as part of my clinical program. At the end of a recording session, I often ask the mum if they would like to listen to a sample. They almost always reply “No thanks, I hate (or dislike) the sound of my voice!” I was initially shocked bit now find this so sad. It is sad because they reject the very same voice that nurtures their child. It is the first voice a child hears and it is the sound that most profoundly shapes the hearing and listening of each of their children.

Harry’s top three tips to sustain a loving relationship  – because life without love is so lonely

  1. Love yourself – you must do this before you can love another or attract another to love you
  2. Look for the beauty – make sure you look beyond the skin deep to the inside where it really counts
  3. Link up for life – make a lasting commitment and do the work

Sally’s top three tips for accepting yourself and loving others

  1. When you wake, practice saying three nice things to yourself
  2. perform acts of kindness to yourself and others from a place of love – treat others as you would like to be treated
  3. Party on!! You will feel more relaxed with others, once you have learnt to accept, believe in and feel good about yourself

If you would like to take the next step with Harry Armytage, complete the listening scorecard here

To find out more about what Sally Estlin does, head here

  • [1] Finders.com
  • [2]: Anna & Morgan, Self-esteem stats http://annaandmorgan.com/tag/self-esteem-statistics/

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash